Tuesday, October 24, 2006

To the whore's of the internet...

I read a small posting this morning on youtube regarding Roger Waters' new song Leaving Beruit and why on earth is he singing about political matters when he's just a piss poor performer.

Well, first off, Mr. (or Mrs.) Whorg, I can't see how you say he's a piss poor performer as the reviews of his shows are some of the most positive reviews I have ever read, but hey, to each their own, right? Even though you probably never have even seen him and probably only saw two seconds of the actual youtube video.

But beyond that, let's dive into the political parts of his speech. Let's see. What kind of expert is he? Well, what kind of experts do we have here in Washington? Let's take a look at Bush alone. How does a former coke head whose daddy's dollar put him through an almost failed attempt at Yale and then into Harvard Business school and then into the political process know more about what's happening in the world? Sure, he has access to more information than the rest of the world and has access to more resources and manpower than god himself, but does that mean he actually uses them? If we are to look at his recent performance, I would say no way in hell! Hey, let's bomb the sh*t out of a country that we just think may have something to do with 9/11. Sounds good to me! I need a scapegoat. Oh, UN help? Yeah, screw them. We doesn't need 'em!

While I'm not looking to Roger Waters for any political advice, I don't see why he can't speak his mind as much as the next person. And with the idiots we have in and around the White House these days, I think that Roger Waters is a better man to speak about the issues with his lack of trying to please the political right OR left. He's not looking to make a buck from the gun club and then turn around and please the minority groups. He's just making music that speaks to him, and in turn, is trying to say something that most of the world already thinks.

So to you, Mr. Whorg, I'm glad you wrote what you wrote. Not only does it give me an excuse to start this writing venture up again, but it also shows that you are a) 13 years old, b) without a clue in the world on both music, politics and the rest of the happenings of the world and c) someone I don't care to spend much time thinking about. Not really sure why the g replaced the e, but you certainly are a true testament to living up to your pathetic name. Good luck growing up.

So as of now, I think I have officially forgotten about you!

Ah, my mind is at peace now. Life is back to normal.

PS - Hey, if Roger Waters isn't a good person to look at for political issues, then let's go talk to some of those on Capitol Hill who make American policies, shall we?

So, with that, Senator Mark Foley, after a hard day at work, sexually molesting underage boys and blaming it on a sleazy childhood priest, what do you think of what happened at Abu-Graib prison? And your issues on what is going on in Iraq?

Oh, Tom DeLay, back from your recent grand jury indictment for illegally accepting campaign contributions and have also been seen in the back pocket of russian oil companies. Good to see you. What are your ideas on the topic of campaign finance reform? What about Bush's foreign policy?

Senator Trent Lott, after making racial comments at Strom Thurmond 100th birthday party a few years ago, how important do you think the minority votes will be in the upcoming election?

And that same question goes to you Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

To me, Roger Waters is looking like the most qualified candidate for the next President. What do you think?!?