Tuesday, October 24, 2006

To the whore's of the internet...

I read a small posting this morning on youtube regarding Roger Waters' new song Leaving Beruit and why on earth is he singing about political matters when he's just a piss poor performer.

Well, first off, Mr. (or Mrs.) Whorg, I can't see how you say he's a piss poor performer as the reviews of his shows are some of the most positive reviews I have ever read, but hey, to each their own, right? Even though you probably never have even seen him and probably only saw two seconds of the actual youtube video.

But beyond that, let's dive into the political parts of his speech. Let's see. What kind of expert is he? Well, what kind of experts do we have here in Washington? Let's take a look at Bush alone. How does a former coke head whose daddy's dollar put him through an almost failed attempt at Yale and then into Harvard Business school and then into the political process know more about what's happening in the world? Sure, he has access to more information than the rest of the world and has access to more resources and manpower than god himself, but does that mean he actually uses them? If we are to look at his recent performance, I would say no way in hell! Hey, let's bomb the sh*t out of a country that we just think may have something to do with 9/11. Sounds good to me! I need a scapegoat. Oh, UN help? Yeah, screw them. We doesn't need 'em!

While I'm not looking to Roger Waters for any political advice, I don't see why he can't speak his mind as much as the next person. And with the idiots we have in and around the White House these days, I think that Roger Waters is a better man to speak about the issues with his lack of trying to please the political right OR left. He's not looking to make a buck from the gun club and then turn around and please the minority groups. He's just making music that speaks to him, and in turn, is trying to say something that most of the world already thinks.

So to you, Mr. Whorg, I'm glad you wrote what you wrote. Not only does it give me an excuse to start this writing venture up again, but it also shows that you are a) 13 years old, b) without a clue in the world on both music, politics and the rest of the happenings of the world and c) someone I don't care to spend much time thinking about. Not really sure why the g replaced the e, but you certainly are a true testament to living up to your pathetic name. Good luck growing up.

So as of now, I think I have officially forgotten about you!

Ah, my mind is at peace now. Life is back to normal.

PS - Hey, if Roger Waters isn't a good person to look at for political issues, then let's go talk to some of those on Capitol Hill who make American policies, shall we?

So, with that, Senator Mark Foley, after a hard day at work, sexually molesting underage boys and blaming it on a sleazy childhood priest, what do you think of what happened at Abu-Graib prison? And your issues on what is going on in Iraq?

Oh, Tom DeLay, back from your recent grand jury indictment for illegally accepting campaign contributions and have also been seen in the back pocket of russian oil companies. Good to see you. What are your ideas on the topic of campaign finance reform? What about Bush's foreign policy?

Senator Trent Lott, after making racial comments at Strom Thurmond 100th birthday party a few years ago, how important do you think the minority votes will be in the upcoming election?

And that same question goes to you Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

To me, Roger Waters is looking like the most qualified candidate for the next President. What do you think?!?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Random DC Thoughts for a Friday

1. It's Walk Left, Stand Right, folks!!!!

Seriously, if you're on an escalator and you're standing on the left side not moving, I really think I should have the right to push you the rest of the way down the stairs. Or if you are going up? Then give you a quick kick to the nuts and push you over the side! MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!!! I have a train to catch.

Oh, and the worst?!? Those people who just kind of sit there in the left when you see your train, with it's doors still open, waiting on the platform.

2. To the person....

...that cleaned up the sh*t on G street the other day, I humbly thank you!!!

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, last week or early this week (can't remember...too much drinkie for me!) there was a huge brown pile sitting on the sidewalk when I came out of the metro. If you come out of Metro Center, cross over the street and then cross to the right side of G heading towards the White House. Big ol' mess there. Obviously someone or two had stepped in it as you could see footprints from people as well as animals. But it was absolutely disgusting! And one day, after a night of WAY too much, when my stomach wasn't feeling so hot anyway, I came INCHES from throwing up all over the place when I saw it.

But yesterday morning, to my beloved surprise, the mess was gone. The sidewalk was clean as a whistle...well, as clean as a DC sidewalk could be, I guess.

So to the man/woman/child/bird/dog/etc... that cleaned the mess up, I give you my undying gratitude and thanks! Now if I could just get the image of one of the local homeless crapping on the sidewalk, that might help! Oh well. More rounds for me tonight!

3. What's with the f'ing cold?!?

Seriously, it felt like what, 75 degrees two days ago?!? And now it's colder than a witches t*t over here! Granted, it could have been freezing in October, so I shouldn't complain that much....but f*ck that! I'm freezing my ass off here!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Funny things I've seen in my stay in DC so far...

I know I've only been in DC for a short while so far, and I know that you can definitly see some very colourful people in a city, but here are some of the stranger things I've seen in my daily routine from living in the semi-suburbs to working downtown. It's an interesting life compared to country bumpkin living in Raleigh! Go figure!

1. Older asian man (60's) buying condoms
2. Amish couple with their 5 children driving a caravan going to Baskin Robbins
3. Middle age woman with birds swarming her bird feeder inches away as she cleans her balcony.
4. Some kind of economy car (Ford Escort or Honda Civic type cars) with neon lights...on the INSIDE!
5. A 60+ year old woman rocking out to something on her headphones on the metro...and not Mozart rockin', but hard rock/pop rockin!
6. A man leaving the metro in his work clothes...on a skateboard.
7. 6 or 7 Trenchcoat Maffia type looking kids (we're talking full long hair with baseball hats and black dusters...punk or heavy metal look alikes) getting into a Kia SUV.

I'm sure I'll update this one as soon as I find more, and I'm SURE I'll find more. :) It's the nations capitol after all, right?!?


Friday, September 23, 2005

Life in DC

Well, I'm in DC and have been for the past few weeks. What the hell do I think of it? Well, I'm SO glad you asked!

Honestly? It's not at all what I thought it would be like. Granted, my expectations were QUITE high. I kind of thought that the moment I crossed the NC/VA border that I would be hit with some kind of DC drug that would just make me in love with this place.

Now, don't take that as I don't enjoy it, because it's nice to walk around downtown DC during work hours seeing the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument, but something about this entire move just is urksome. Maybe it's what I'm leaving behind. Maybe it's that I'm not used to change. Maybe DC isn't for me. I have no clue. Honestly, I think I would LOVE DC if little piddly shit wasn't in my way all the time. The move itself is torturesome! I have to deal with what's staying, what's going, where is it going to go, do i need storage, what about the animals, what about blah, blah, blah. Plus, I have to really start dealing with my mom's death and the backlash from it.

TIP: If you are about to die, get your affairs in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dealing with my mom's passing is a PAIN IN THE ARSE!!!!! Sorry, mom, but couldn't you have gotten your affairs in a little more order than you did?!? We find a new account every week almost. Granted, more money for my bro and I, but still, it's a slew of paperwork that I just can't deal with right now. Have I mentioned I moved?!?

But in general, I'm okay. Still not fully sure, though. Nobody talks to each other here in DC. And I found out that nobody goes to lunch together...unless that's just my office. But I'm SOOOO lonely here. I met some great person at my complex who said that she's been here a full year and I'm the only person she's met. That's SO sad! I don't want to be that person. So if you know any friends, have them call 1-800-alec-is-lonely. :) Just kidding. But seriously. It's impossible to meet people here. And I thought this would be a hot bed of single activity. Go figure!

Anyway, I don't want to sound like I'm about to throw myself off of a roof or anything, but if you're thinking of moving to a new location, think HARD before you do and what comforts you'll be giving up and if it's worth it! For me? So far, it's more in favor of moving to DC than staying in NC, but not by far. We'll see in the coming months.

Anyway, take care, loyal reader(s), and I hope y'all are doing well! (sorry, had to go with the y'all think at least once more).

Later, gators!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm Moving to DC!!!

Well, it started out a little while ago. What can I say? Shit happened at work and I couldn't face it anymore, so I put my resume on every place I could think of. monster.com, dice.com, and god knows what other resume/spam senders are out there!

Well, a few places picked up on my resume, as well as a few hits from inquiries I had sent out on my own, and someplace (I'm not going to mention you f*ckers that decided to take a pass on me, by the way!...and you know who you are!) actually decided to hire me! Go figure!

So what does that mean? Well, this past week, I found a place to live in Falls Church, VA and will be living there in two weeks time. The unfortunate point? I'm moving up next weekend! DANG! Oh well. The place I'm moving to won't take me until the 8th of September, but whatever. I'll be living on a friends couch for a few days (THANK YOU BRANDON!!!!!) so all's good.

But again, so what does that mean? I'M MOVING TO FUCKING DC, BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Eat that, all those that thought I'd be in Raleigh forever! Raleigh is an okay place if you're in college or married or engaged or something like that, but it's just not for me. Coming from Boston? Yeah, Raleigh is much more a suburb of Atlanta or DC than it is a city. So go me, right?!?

So what am I feeling? Thanks for asking. I'm bloody well scared out of my mind! I haven't lived in a city ... well, ever! But I haven't been around a city in about 7 years (not including trips to NYC, Boston, DC, etc...). So I'm kind of terrified of what to expect. So the emotions are running through me right now and I just have to wait another week or two to finally get my pattern going!

Anyway, so just one more week in my job, and to figure out how to change everything address wise and set up my new pad. Then it's yet another 5 hour drive up there to start my brand new life!...to quote a movie, "Is it, like, hot in here, or is it just me?!? It's just me."

To all those that never wanted to visit me in Raleigh?!? Well, for the love of god, you now have no excuse. Am I right or am I right?!?

Okay, signing off! PEACE!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What is this world coming to?

So here's what I have going on in my life right now. First off, Rachel and I go to Virginia Beach and Williamsburg for the weekend last week. Had a blast at Busch Gardens and then came back. Well, what did we come back to? Seems that Rachel's grandmother had a severe stroke and was in the hospital. Well, that's a bit shocking as she and Rachel are VERY close to each other.

So we're dealing with that. She's basically only got a few days left and we're waiting until we get the word to come to the funeral. But life continues, right?

Well, yesterday, we have another bombshell hit. One of Rachel's coworkers apparently shot his wife and then turned the gun on himself. WTF?!? Where in reality does that EVER happen to someone you know and work with? I knew him a little, and it shocked the hell out of me! He was a really nice and sweet guy! I never thought he had it in him to do something like this. Though like I said, I didn't know him that well, so anything is possible, right?

Well, then a few hours pass and I read on the news site that he shot himself in the abdomen. Why on earth, if you are trying to commit suicide, would you shoot yourself in the abdomne?!? So right off the bat, I wasn't thinking suicide, but something a bit worse.

Anyway, so Rachel was in hysterics yesterday and I pretty much couldn't even bring myself to think about work! What on earth is this world coming to? When something like that happens at the same time that you are trying to start mourning for your grandmother?!?

And to boot, I have an interview in DC next week, so I may be moving on up north. How is this fair to anyone? I mean, I'm happy and all for a job opportunity, but come on! I will just never get it.

See, this is why I don't really believe in a major religion. If this is "the plan", what f*cked up God would do this?!? And don't give me that bs about "his ways aren't for us to question". That's a cop out and we all know it! I mean, if you believe in all of that, and you are happy believing in all of that, then more power to ya! But I'm not going to sit there thinking that this is all in a masterplan somewhere. This is complete and utter chaos. More than any person should ever have to endure!

Anyway. I know that I haven't done much writing in the past couple of months or so, but I just had to write this one down quickly. It's just too insane to keep bottled up. Life? Does it suck or is it a good one? You know? I honestly don't care much right now. I think its basically just a rollercoaster ride. Right now, I'm at the very lowest point of it just waiting to get back up the hill. I'm not sure what I can do for Rachel except be here right now, but all in all, this just is the worst year I've had in a long time.

So what's the tally so far? My mom died in April. Looks like Rachel's grandmother will pass away this August. A friend dies in the same week. Yeah, not looking too good from here on out!

Anyway, for anyone actually reading this, take care, have fun, but be careful! You just never know what's coming up around the next turn!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Bijou Meets the Aussie Pet Mobile...

It started out not unlike any normal saturday. The dogs wake me up at 6 wanting to go out. After putting them out, I jump on the computer to play my oh so favorite computer game. After a while of monster slashing, virtual beer drinking and large breast oogling, I let them in with their standard treats.

But after a while, it turned to be very much unlike any Saturday I've ever known. For today was the day that Bijou was to meet the Aussie Pet Mobile! This would become a day that Bijou would like to forget, however unlikely that will probably be!

The joy was to start at 1pm, but they were early. Around noon time, I noticed a large truck followed on hitch by an average sized trailer pull into the drive way. I go outside, and talk things over. We had to first discuss how I wanted Bijous afternoon to be. After asking about trimming vs shaving, I decided to go with the shave so that Bijou could spend the summer months in cool glory, not covered in her own jacket. After that was settled, and after a few ordeals of no power to the trailer and hooking up the water, it was time to introduce Bijou to Ashley.

Now, for those that don't know what the Aussie Pet Mobile is, and haven't been able to figure out so far, it's a mobile animal groomer. They come to your house, groom your pet and move onto the next. It's such a great idea! Rachel had seen a coupon in a magazine and figured we should give it a try.

A word of warning for those that read the rest of this story. You may think by reading this that I'm not a fan of what happened to my puppy, but that is quite the wrong assumption. Ashley did a very good job with Bijou, I just realize now that I chose wrong in the shave vs. the trim! Next time? I know. :)

Anyway, so Bijou goes into the trailer and started out with the shave. As you can see from the pictures, if you've viewed them, she left her tail and head pretty much alone, but shaved everything else. Not too far down to the skin, but just above.

Once the hair came off (and I'm telling you, she shaved off at least a few shitzu's worth of hair!), and after a quick nail trim (amazingly enough, her back paws didn't need trimming...go figure!) it was time for her bath. I was so amazed up until this point at how well she was doing! She was smiling and fidgeting only minimally. I was dumbfounded! This dog has never done anything that didn't involve putting up at least some kind of resistance! Well, this all culminated when right after the water came on, she decided to rebel against the establishment by jumping on top of the bathtub area. I wish I got pictures of that, it was kinda funny. But she didn't want to take it anymore! She was pissed!

After getting her back into the tub, they cleaned up her teeth and then did a fairly lengthy blow dry (again, Bijou being amazing as she is afraid of absolutely EVERYTHING and was fairly calm!) and it was time to go. All in all, I would say that the day was very successful and she will be very happy this summer. However, will I choose the shave again? Probably not. Will I use the service again? If I ever needed to get things done on a weekend where I couldn't drop her off at the groomers, I would definitly use these people again! She was very nice and did a very thurough job! How was the money? Well, it's a tad expensive. But for everything AND them coming to your house? You make the call. I found it to be well worth it!

Of course, as I write this, I do realize that I didn't give the woman the coupon...DOH! That's okay, I forgot to tip her as well!...DOUBLE DOH!

Anyway...now I just have to live with my fuzzy on the ends, but shaved in between pup. She'll get over the humiliation. :)

For anyone interested in learning about them, you can find them on the web by going to:

