Random DC Thoughts for a Friday
1. It's Walk Left, Stand Right, folks!!!!

Seriously, if you're on an escalator and you're standing on the left side not moving, I really think I should have the right to push you the rest of the way down the stairs. Or if you are going up? Then give you a quick kick to the nuts and push you over the side! MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!!! I have a train to catch.
Oh, and the worst?!? Those people who just kind of sit there in the left when you see your train, with it's doors still open, waiting on the platform.
2. To the person....
...that cleaned up the sh*t on G street the other day, I humbly thank you!!!
For those that don't know what I'm talking about, last week or early this week (can't remember...too much drinkie for me!) there was a huge brown pile sitting on the sidewalk when I came out of the metro. If you come out of Metro Center, cross over the street and then cross to the right side of G heading towards the White House. Big ol' mess there. Obviously someone or two had stepped in it as you could see footprints from people as well as animals. But it was absolutely disgusting! And one day, after a night of WAY too much, when my stomach wasn't feeling so hot anyway, I came INCHES from throwing up all over the place when I saw it.
But yesterday morning, to my beloved surprise, the mess was gone. The sidewalk was clean as a whistle...well, as clean as a DC sidewalk could be, I guess.
So to the man/woman/child/bird/dog/etc... that cleaned the mess up, I give you my undying gratitude and thanks! Now if I could just get the image of one of the local homeless crapping on the sidewalk, that might help! Oh well. More rounds for me tonight!
3. What's with the f'ing cold?!?
Seriously, it felt like what, 75 degrees two days ago?!? And now it's colder than a witches t*t over here! Granted, it could have been freezing in October, so I shouldn't complain that much....but f*ck that! I'm freezing my ass off here!!!!