Well, I'm in DC and have been for the past few weeks. What the hell do I think of it? Well, I'm SO glad you asked!
Honestly? It's not at all what I thought it would be like. Granted, my expectations were QUITE high. I kind of thought that the moment I crossed the NC/VA border that I would be hit with some kind of DC drug that would just make me in love with this place.
Now, don't take that as I don't enjoy it, because it's nice to walk around downtown DC during work hours seeing the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument, but something about this entire move just is urksome. Maybe it's what I'm leaving behind. Maybe it's that I'm not used to change. Maybe DC isn't for me. I have no clue. Honestly, I think I would LOVE DC if little piddly shit wasn't in my way all the time. The move itself is torturesome! I have to deal with what's staying, what's going, where is it going to go, do i need storage, what about the animals, what about blah, blah, blah. Plus, I have to really start dealing with my mom's death and the backlash from it.
TIP: If you are about to die, get your affairs in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dealing with my mom's passing is a PAIN IN THE ARSE!!!!! Sorry, mom, but couldn't you have gotten your affairs in a little more order than you did?!? We find a new account every week almost. Granted, more money for my bro and I, but still, it's a slew of paperwork that I just can't deal with right now. Have I mentioned I moved?!?
But in general, I'm okay. Still not fully sure, though. Nobody talks to each other here in DC. And I found out that nobody goes to lunch together...unless that's just my office. But I'm SOOOO lonely here. I met some great person at my complex who said that she's been here a full year and I'm the only person she's met. That's SO sad! I don't want to be that person. So if you know any friends, have them call 1-800-alec-is-lonely. :) Just kidding. But seriously. It's impossible to meet people here. And I thought this would be a hot bed of single activity. Go figure!
Anyway, I don't want to sound like I'm about to throw myself off of a roof or anything, but if you're thinking of moving to a new location, think HARD before you do and what comforts you'll be giving up and if it's worth it! For me? So far, it's more in favor of moving to DC than staying in NC, but not by far. We'll see in the coming months.
Anyway, take care, loyal reader(s), and I hope y'all are doing well! (sorry, had to go with the y'all think at least once more).
Later, gators!