I'm Moving to DC!!!
Well, it started out a little while ago. What can I say? Shit happened at work and I couldn't face it anymore, so I put my resume on every place I could think of. monster.com, dice.com, and god knows what other resume/spam senders are out there!
Well, a few places picked up on my resume, as well as a few hits from inquiries I had sent out on my own, and someplace (I'm not going to mention you f*ckers that decided to take a pass on me, by the way!...and you know who you are!) actually decided to hire me! Go figure!
So what does that mean? Well, this past week, I found a place to live in Falls Church, VA and will be living there in two weeks time. The unfortunate point? I'm moving up next weekend! DANG! Oh well. The place I'm moving to won't take me until the 8th of September, but whatever. I'll be living on a friends couch for a few days (THANK YOU BRANDON!!!!!) so all's good.
But again, so what does that mean? I'M MOVING TO FUCKING DC, BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Eat that, all those that thought I'd be in Raleigh forever! Raleigh is an okay place if you're in college or married or engaged or something like that, but it's just not for me. Coming from Boston? Yeah, Raleigh is much more a suburb of Atlanta or DC than it is a city. So go me, right?!?
So what am I feeling? Thanks for asking. I'm bloody well scared out of my mind! I haven't lived in a city ... well, ever! But I haven't been around a city in about 7 years (not including trips to NYC, Boston, DC, etc...). So I'm kind of terrified of what to expect. So the emotions are running through me right now and I just have to wait another week or two to finally get my pattern going!
Anyway, so just one more week in my job, and to figure out how to change everything address wise and set up my new pad. Then it's yet another 5 hour drive up there to start my brand new life!...to quote a movie, "Is it, like, hot in here, or is it just me?!? It's just me."
To all those that never wanted to visit me in Raleigh?!? Well, for the love of god, you now have no excuse. Am I right or am I right?!?
Okay, signing off! PEACE!