Saturday, June 11, 2005

Bijou Meets the Aussie Pet Mobile...

It started out not unlike any normal saturday. The dogs wake me up at 6 wanting to go out. After putting them out, I jump on the computer to play my oh so favorite computer game. After a while of monster slashing, virtual beer drinking and large breast oogling, I let them in with their standard treats.

But after a while, it turned to be very much unlike any Saturday I've ever known. For today was the day that Bijou was to meet the Aussie Pet Mobile! This would become a day that Bijou would like to forget, however unlikely that will probably be!

The joy was to start at 1pm, but they were early. Around noon time, I noticed a large truck followed on hitch by an average sized trailer pull into the drive way. I go outside, and talk things over. We had to first discuss how I wanted Bijous afternoon to be. After asking about trimming vs shaving, I decided to go with the shave so that Bijou could spend the summer months in cool glory, not covered in her own jacket. After that was settled, and after a few ordeals of no power to the trailer and hooking up the water, it was time to introduce Bijou to Ashley.

Now, for those that don't know what the Aussie Pet Mobile is, and haven't been able to figure out so far, it's a mobile animal groomer. They come to your house, groom your pet and move onto the next. It's such a great idea! Rachel had seen a coupon in a magazine and figured we should give it a try.

A word of warning for those that read the rest of this story. You may think by reading this that I'm not a fan of what happened to my puppy, but that is quite the wrong assumption. Ashley did a very good job with Bijou, I just realize now that I chose wrong in the shave vs. the trim! Next time? I know. :)

Anyway, so Bijou goes into the trailer and started out with the shave. As you can see from the pictures, if you've viewed them, she left her tail and head pretty much alone, but shaved everything else. Not too far down to the skin, but just above.

Once the hair came off (and I'm telling you, she shaved off at least a few shitzu's worth of hair!), and after a quick nail trim (amazingly enough, her back paws didn't need trimming...go figure!) it was time for her bath. I was so amazed up until this point at how well she was doing! She was smiling and fidgeting only minimally. I was dumbfounded! This dog has never done anything that didn't involve putting up at least some kind of resistance! Well, this all culminated when right after the water came on, she decided to rebel against the establishment by jumping on top of the bathtub area. I wish I got pictures of that, it was kinda funny. But she didn't want to take it anymore! She was pissed!

After getting her back into the tub, they cleaned up her teeth and then did a fairly lengthy blow dry (again, Bijou being amazing as she is afraid of absolutely EVERYTHING and was fairly calm!) and it was time to go. All in all, I would say that the day was very successful and she will be very happy this summer. However, will I choose the shave again? Probably not. Will I use the service again? If I ever needed to get things done on a weekend where I couldn't drop her off at the groomers, I would definitly use these people again! She was very nice and did a very thurough job! How was the money? Well, it's a tad expensive. But for everything AND them coming to your house? You make the call. I found it to be well worth it!

Of course, as I write this, I do realize that I didn't give the woman the coupon...DOH! That's okay, I forgot to tip her as well!...DOUBLE DOH! I just have to live with my fuzzy on the ends, but shaved in between pup. She'll get over the humiliation. :)

For anyone interested in learning about them, you can find them on the web by going to:
