Star Wars...Episode III

Some dislikes:
1. James Earl Jones
I LOVE James Earl Jones and I'm so happy that he was in this last episode! He was definitly up to his normal par. However, what's with his lines? It sounded SO fake to me. He was great, the dialogue sucked. "What happened to Padme?" "In your fit of rage, you killed her" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" If you've seen this, you know what I mean. It sounded like Hayden Christiansen would have said it, but come on! This is Darth Vader! Not stupid whiner boy!
2. The entire ending
I honestly feel as though they had gotten to a point in the writing of the last movie and said, "man, this damn thing is gonna be 5 hours long if we continue going with it" "Oh yeah? Well, let's just end it here. We do this to Yoda, we do this to the children. One line, done!" For instance, how does Obi-Wan come back from the dead in episode 4? Yoda tells him to go back to tatooine and in his seclusion, find Qui-Gon who has found a way to become immortal, just like Obi-Wan does after his own "death". Um...really?!? That sounds painfully stupid. And the whole Bail Organa thing? ...
3. Bail Organa..."we've always wanted a girl"
Okay, when Luke and Leia are born, and Yoda and friends have to decide on what to do with them to keep them away from the Emperor and Vader (though I assumed that they didn't know that he was still alive), Senator Organa (aka Jimmy Smitts) decides that he will take Leia. Um...what's with the whole thing "My wife and I have wanted to adopt a girl for some time now"?!? Not only is that kind of a "Luke? Screw him, we want the girl", but also, um...shouldn't Master Yoda be the one to decide these things?!?
4. What's with Anakin's eye scar?!?
Did he honestly have that eye scar at the end of the second movie (episode 2)? I really don't remember that.
5. The CGI artwork
Again, Lucas went CGI happy on this movie. Most of it looked stellar, but things to note. When you see the clones without their helmets, why did he use CGI for the body and leave the head as is?!? Seriously. I understand that when you have multiples of the same person on screen together, you have to do something, but you can see the clones head shake back and forth and let me just say that it ain't normal! Either have the other characters stand rather still and have the main one talking be the real guy in an actual suit, or have the rest covered up.
And with that, almost every single jumping sequence since episode 1 has been HORRIBLE! They look WAY too unrealistic. How to do that then? I honestly don't know. Maybe wire work or something. But it just looked stupid. Like in episode 1 where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in the Trade Federation ship and jumping down to get on one of the transport ships. It looks stupid!
6. The turning point of the Sith
So there's this point when the new Emperor contacts one of the clones and says something to the effect of "Carry out order number 66". Um...can't you say something better than that?!? Order number 66?!? That's like Anakin being born from the midichlorians! Can't you have something built into the clones or something like that? How did the Emperor get order number 66 to the troops to begin with? Especially without the Jedi knowing?!?
7. The emperor saying that it's gonna be an Empire now
Apparently, we now know that when a Chancellor of a Democratic set of worlds wants to become a dictator, all he has to do is say "hey, y'all, it's gonna be an Empire now and I'm the one in charge. Eat that sucka's!"
8. Senator Palpatine's acting
On the subject of Palpatine/Sideous, I've never had an issue with his acting in the first 2 movies (episodes 1 and 2). Well, not really. He's never been the bright spot of either of them, but he hasn't been the worst. In this one? Man, he SUCKED! Maybe it was the dialogue he was given, but still, I was not thrilled with it whatsoever!
9. What's with Palpatine/Sideous' makeup?
Again, on the subject of Palpatine/Sideous, what's with his new face?!? It didn't look very much like the Darth Sideous of old, did it?!? It looked like Darth Sideous mated with Jabba the Hut and had that thing. Or is that just what Sideous looks like after a couple of decades? I guess even the Sith get wrinkles with time.
10. Padme dies of heartbreak?!?
Again, much like the whole midichlorian debacle, this whole she died of heartbreak thing? I didn't care for it. It may have been stated in the original three movies, but I still don't get it! Why can't you say that when Vader put her into a choke hold, that did something to her? Or something like that? I guess I can sort of get the reasoning to die of a heartbreak, but to say "healt wise, she's perfectly healthy. But she seems to be dying of a heartbreak"?!? Why not say something like "I'm sorry to inform you of this, Jedi Masters, but we are not sure why her health is failing. We can't seem to find anything wrong with her". Leave it to the Jedi's to say that she's dying of heartbreak. Or just leave it out completely. If it's said in the original trilogy, then there you go! If it's not, make something else up.
11. "MOO-staffa"?
I have this story. My brother, mother and I were in Greece on this tour a long time ago (back in the 80's). It was my first time in Greece and we were at this small place in the middle of nowhere with this group. One guy in our group was a Texan and when they brought out the menus, we all pondered them for a little while. This Texan, when asked what he wanted, said "I'd like to try some of this here MOO-saka". The spelling is for the pronounciation of it. The dish is actually called Musaka (sp?)...pronounced Moo-SAKA, not MOO-saka. I felt the exact same way here. When the Eperor said that Anakin/Vader should go to Mustafar, he said it like "MOO-stafar". Shouldn't it be something like "Moo-STAfar" or something like that? It sounded like G.W. Bush trying to say the word "nuclear". Folks, it ain't Nucular!!!!
12. I still don't get how nobody knew each other in episodes 4 - 6
Does Vader ever see C3-PO? or R2? I understand that 3-PO gets his mind whiped, but still, why doesn't he ever ask about the droid he created?!? Or anything like that? There's so many different things that you never hear about or that are still left unanswered in my mind. Oh well. Maybe they'll all be cleaned up in the 6000th edition released of episodes 4 - 6!
13. General Greavous
WTF Was with him?!? Why does he cough so much? I'm guessing that he's the same with Vader...almost dies and then is brought back by the joy's of machinery. But still...WTF? And why does he have a hunch back? Any thoughts there? I'm guessing that there is a whole Expanded Universe type deal for him, but still. And what's with his voice? The voice over for him SUCKED! He really didn't seem to be too menacing at all. I just wanted to say, awww, the poor bucket of bolts. :( And where the hell do you just pick up the Jedi Arts?!? I'd like to learn those too, is it like Arthur Murray's Dance Lessons in 6 easy steps?!? Maybe a book on 21 days to master the Jedi Arts?!? And I thought the purpose of the Jedi training was to create your own lightsaber which I thought took years or something. And this guy does it 4 times over?!? And with that, as a side note, if you loose a lightsaber that takes years to build, how do they all get extras so easily?!? Is it like when you order a cheesburger with nothing on it and it comes with mayo? It takes forever to get the original cheeseburger, but when you send it back, the next one comes out in like 5 min! Anyway....
Some likes:
1. Really wrapped up the storyline
It did a pretty good job at wrapping up how Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Though very rushed at the end in some of the smaller points.
2. The continuing line of the story in the look of ships and republic and things
They did a really good job with the way the ships and storm troopers look and all of that. Probably one of the best parts of the movie, me thinks.
Things I would have liked to have seen
1. Yoda and Obi-Wan setting up their new home
You see them going to their homes, but nothing else. Did Obi-Wan hire people to build his home? Or did he slash sand person after sand person getting the mud and whatnot to build it? And where did he get the stuff from to furnish his home?!?
2. Time periods
There such great time periods in between all of the movies. I'd really love to see some of the stuff that goes on in there. When we leave Obi-Wan at the end of Episode 3, he still looks young (even though he's supposed to be what, 40?). But in the beginning of Ep. 4, he's ancient (no offense, sir Alec Guiness....LOVE the name, by the way!). Just would be nice to know what happened during that time. And we NEVER see Anakin kill any Jedi...well, besides Mace Windu, if you can call that an actual kill. I call it bad footing, myself. But wouldn't you like to see Darth Vader go from planet to planet actually doing what he's most known for?!? Killing the Jedi off one by one?!?
Anyway. That's my view point of the movies as a whole. Glad it's wrapped up, though I would LOVE to see Lucas give the reigns over to someone else to work with and continue the whole story going. It's not like they don't have material! Sh*t! They've got how many books and things to work with?!? It's money in the bank! Wouldn't you love to see Speilberg take the reigns of a movie or two?!?
Okay, I'm outta here. Later, folks.