Monday, May 30, 2005

Star Wars...Episode III

I finally saw the final installment of Star Wars this afternoon! About time, huh?!? Only what, two weeks late? Anyway. Initial thoughts: The absolute best out of the last three films (episodes 1 - 3), but still not as well done as the first three (episodes 4 - 6). If you're a Star Wars fan, then DEFINITLY go see this movie!


Some dislikes:

1. James Earl Jones

I LOVE James Earl Jones and I'm so happy that he was in this last episode! He was definitly up to his normal par. However, what's with his lines? It sounded SO fake to me. He was great, the dialogue sucked. "What happened to Padme?" "In your fit of rage, you killed her" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" If you've seen this, you know what I mean. It sounded like Hayden Christiansen would have said it, but come on! This is Darth Vader! Not stupid whiner boy!

2. The entire ending

I honestly feel as though they had gotten to a point in the writing of the last movie and said, "man, this damn thing is gonna be 5 hours long if we continue going with it" "Oh yeah? Well, let's just end it here. We do this to Yoda, we do this to the children. One line, done!" For instance, how does Obi-Wan come back from the dead in episode 4? Yoda tells him to go back to tatooine and in his seclusion, find Qui-Gon who has found a way to become immortal, just like Obi-Wan does after his own "death". Um...really?!? That sounds painfully stupid. And the whole Bail Organa thing? ...

3. Bail Organa..."we've always wanted a girl"

Okay, when Luke and Leia are born, and Yoda and friends have to decide on what to do with them to keep them away from the Emperor and Vader (though I assumed that they didn't know that he was still alive), Senator Organa (aka Jimmy Smitts) decides that he will take Leia. Um...what's with the whole thing "My wife and I have wanted to adopt a girl for some time now"?!? Not only is that kind of a "Luke? Screw him, we want the girl", but also, um...shouldn't Master Yoda be the one to decide these things?!?

4. What's with Anakin's eye scar?!?

Did he honestly have that eye scar at the end of the second movie (episode 2)? I really don't remember that.

5. The CGI artwork

Again, Lucas went CGI happy on this movie. Most of it looked stellar, but things to note. When you see the clones without their helmets, why did he use CGI for the body and leave the head as is?!? Seriously. I understand that when you have multiples of the same person on screen together, you have to do something, but you can see the clones head shake back and forth and let me just say that it ain't normal! Either have the other characters stand rather still and have the main one talking be the real guy in an actual suit, or have the rest covered up.

And with that, almost every single jumping sequence since episode 1 has been HORRIBLE! They look WAY too unrealistic. How to do that then? I honestly don't know. Maybe wire work or something. But it just looked stupid. Like in episode 1 where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in the Trade Federation ship and jumping down to get on one of the transport ships. It looks stupid!

6. The turning point of the Sith

So there's this point when the new Emperor contacts one of the clones and says something to the effect of "Carry out order number 66". Um...can't you say something better than that?!? Order number 66?!? That's like Anakin being born from the midichlorians! Can't you have something built into the clones or something like that? How did the Emperor get order number 66 to the troops to begin with? Especially without the Jedi knowing?!?

7. The emperor saying that it's gonna be an Empire now

Apparently, we now know that when a Chancellor of a Democratic set of worlds wants to become a dictator, all he has to do is say "hey, y'all, it's gonna be an Empire now and I'm the one in charge. Eat that sucka's!" And what happens?!? They all cheer. I will say that Padme had a great line in there where she says something to the effect of "So this is how a Republic a hail of cheers" or something like that. But still. If he can do that, why can't I?!? Um...yeah, Raleigh is now an independant Empire. Bite me, dogh-boys!

8. Senator Palpatine's acting

On the subject of Palpatine/Sideous, I've never had an issue with his acting in the first 2 movies (episodes 1 and 2). Well, not really. He's never been the bright spot of either of them, but he hasn't been the worst. In this one? Man, he SUCKED! Maybe it was the dialogue he was given, but still, I was not thrilled with it whatsoever!

9. What's with Palpatine/Sideous' makeup?

Again, on the subject of Palpatine/Sideous, what's with his new face?!? It didn't look very much like the Darth Sideous of old, did it?!? It looked like Darth Sideous mated with Jabba the Hut and had that thing. Or is that just what Sideous looks like after a couple of decades? I guess even the Sith get wrinkles with time.

10. Padme dies of heartbreak?!?

Again, much like the whole midichlorian debacle, this whole she died of heartbreak thing? I didn't care for it. It may have been stated in the original three movies, but I still don't get it! Why can't you say that when Vader put her into a choke hold, that did something to her? Or something like that? I guess I can sort of get the reasoning to die of a heartbreak, but to say "healt wise, she's perfectly healthy. But she seems to be dying of a heartbreak"?!? Why not say something like "I'm sorry to inform you of this, Jedi Masters, but we are not sure why her health is failing. We can't seem to find anything wrong with her". Leave it to the Jedi's to say that she's dying of heartbreak. Or just leave it out completely. If it's said in the original trilogy, then there you go! If it's not, make something else up.

11. "MOO-staffa"?

I have this story. My brother, mother and I were in Greece on this tour a long time ago (back in the 80's). It was my first time in Greece and we were at this small place in the middle of nowhere with this group. One guy in our group was a Texan and when they brought out the menus, we all pondered them for a little while. This Texan, when asked what he wanted, said "I'd like to try some of this here MOO-saka". The spelling is for the pronounciation of it. The dish is actually called Musaka (sp?)...pronounced Moo-SAKA, not MOO-saka. I felt the exact same way here. When the Eperor said that Anakin/Vader should go to Mustafar, he said it like "MOO-stafar". Shouldn't it be something like "Moo-STAfar" or something like that? It sounded like G.W. Bush trying to say the word "nuclear". Folks, it ain't Nucular!!!!

12. I still don't get how nobody knew each other in episodes 4 - 6

Does Vader ever see C3-PO? or R2? I understand that 3-PO gets his mind whiped, but still, why doesn't he ever ask about the droid he created?!? Or anything like that? There's so many different things that you never hear about or that are still left unanswered in my mind. Oh well. Maybe they'll all be cleaned up in the 6000th edition released of episodes 4 - 6!

13. General Greavous

WTF Was with him?!? Why does he cough so much? I'm guessing that he's the same with Vader...almost dies and then is brought back by the joy's of machinery. But still...WTF? And why does he have a hunch back? Any thoughts there? I'm guessing that there is a whole Expanded Universe type deal for him, but still. And what's with his voice? The voice over for him SUCKED! He really didn't seem to be too menacing at all. I just wanted to say, awww, the poor bucket of bolts. :( And where the hell do you just pick up the Jedi Arts?!? I'd like to learn those too, is it like Arthur Murray's Dance Lessons in 6 easy steps?!? Maybe a book on 21 days to master the Jedi Arts?!? And I thought the purpose of the Jedi training was to create your own lightsaber which I thought took years or something. And this guy does it 4 times over?!? And with that, as a side note, if you loose a lightsaber that takes years to build, how do they all get extras so easily?!? Is it like when you order a cheesburger with nothing on it and it comes with mayo? It takes forever to get the original cheeseburger, but when you send it back, the next one comes out in like 5 min! Anyway....

Some likes:

1. Really wrapped up the storyline

It did a pretty good job at wrapping up how Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Though very rushed at the end in some of the smaller points.

2. The continuing line of the story in the look of ships and republic and things

They did a really good job with the way the ships and storm troopers look and all of that. Probably one of the best parts of the movie, me thinks.

Things I would have liked to have seen

1. Yoda and Obi-Wan setting up their new home

You see them going to their homes, but nothing else. Did Obi-Wan hire people to build his home? Or did he slash sand person after sand person getting the mud and whatnot to build it? And where did he get the stuff from to furnish his home?!?

2. Time periods

There such great time periods in between all of the movies. I'd really love to see some of the stuff that goes on in there. When we leave Obi-Wan at the end of Episode 3, he still looks young (even though he's supposed to be what, 40?). But in the beginning of Ep. 4, he's ancient (no offense, sir Alec Guiness....LOVE the name, by the way!). Just would be nice to know what happened during that time. And we NEVER see Anakin kill any Jedi...well, besides Mace Windu, if you can call that an actual kill. I call it bad footing, myself. But wouldn't you like to see Darth Vader go from planet to planet actually doing what he's most known for?!? Killing the Jedi off one by one?!?

Anyway. That's my view point of the movies as a whole. Glad it's wrapped up, though I would LOVE to see Lucas give the reigns over to someone else to work with and continue the whole story going. It's not like they don't have material! Sh*t! They've got how many books and things to work with?!? It's money in the bank! Wouldn't you love to see Speilberg take the reigns of a movie or two?!?

Okay, I'm outta here. Later, folks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What really happened?

So...I found these today. All of which I'd seen before, but none of which I had actually taken the time to put together. I think I finally know what really happened to that damn cat! Man, that was a long one to solve. All these years, and I thought he had just passed out in his food bowl! Though WHY is still the question! Ain't motive a bitch?!?

Exhibit One: The first suspect
How this picture came to light, we have no idea. What we do know is that this cat is armed to the teeth and a deadly foe. What his real intentions are, nobody knows.

Exhibit Two: The second suspect
This one's small, but don't mistake that cute little ball for something innocent. He's been around and is responsible for numerous assasinations of heads of states from the toilet bowl to the kitchen sink. He's not one for messing around.

Exhibit Three: The target
A poor innocent victim just trying to get an honest days food ration. Cut down in his prime, he had his whole life ahead of him. Who did it? We've narrowed it down at least.

Now while the motive is still unknown, my thoughts are possible catnip high, the dog ordered the hit or the shooter just never got as much food as that damn fatty did! Oh, and if it was the gerbil, well, do you think you'd be sane if you had to run through those frickin' tubes and around that damn wheel all day long?!? You'd go postal too! that we've finally solved that one, what's next? The truth about the tootsie pop maybe?!? Three licks to the center my ass!

Editors Note: ... can you tell that I need to get out more?!?

You rock!

I SO hate that expression!!!! Anyone else with me?!? I have a coworker who says it all of the time and it gets on my last nerve! And the worst thing about it? Well, you know how gamers and IM'ers like to use "kewl" instead of "cool"? (Another thing I personally hate, by the way!!!) This coworker of mine? You can tell that the way she says the word "rock", it just comes out as "rawk". Can you feel my pain yet?!?

Well, let's put it this way. Normal people say thanks, or that's great after doing a good job. She says it in every sentance she uses. And then when she uses it once, she uses it multiple times. Here's a general conversation:

Me: Hey, I did that thing you wanted me to do.

Her: Thanks so much! You rawk!

Me: Uh...Thanks.

Her: No, I mean it. You really rawk. You rawk so much! You are hardcore in your rawkness.

This is generally when I leave as quickly as I possibly can.

In other words, she uses that like Stephen King swears in his novels! Yeah, now you see it!

Anyway...yet another of my growing pet peeves! Even writing about it pisses me off. Go figure.

Ok, I'm gonna go cool off for a little with a nice walk now. And no, I don't go on a walk just because the ladies I walk with are rather attractive. I'm not THAT shallow....well...maybe.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Back to the Party...

Hey, so I put up the pictures of the party that we had last Saturday. The pictures actually didn't turn out so horrible! Go figure! But anyway, hope that you like them!

Have fun! And don't make fun of the's just not nice. :)

Tomorrow is Slap Your Coworker Day!!!

Man, I've been waiting SO long for this day to come, and it's finally here! WOO HOO!!!! :)

Here's the "official" announcement! Haha! (NOTE: I got this in an email, so anyone claiming that they wrote it, well, good for you!)

Warning: If you take me seriously and you actually end up getting fired and/or arrested for anything you read from today's are A) stupider than I thought and B) not going to blame me! I take no responsibility in the actions of those stupid enough to listen to me!

Slap Your Co-Worker Day is Coming!!

Tomorrow is the official Slap Your Irritating Co-workers Holiday: Do you have a co-worker who talks nonstop about nothing, working your last nerve with tedious and boring details that you don't care about? Do you have a co-worker who ALWAYS screws up stuff creating MORE work for you? Do you have a co-worker who kisses so much booty, you can look in their mouth and see what your boss had for lunch? Do you have a co-worker who is SOOO obnoxious, when he/she enters a room, everyone else clears it? Well, on behalf of Ike Turner, I am so very very glad to officially announce tomorrow as SLAP YOUR IRRITATING CO-WORKER DAY! There are the rules you must follow:

* You can only slap one person per hour - no more.
* You can slap the same person again if they irritate you again in the same day.
* You are allowed to hold someone down as other co-workers take their turns slapping the irritant.
* No weapons are allowed...other than going upside somebody's head with a stapler or a hole-puncher.
* If questioned by a supervisor [or police, if the supervisor is the irritant], you are allowed to LIE, LIE, LIE! Now, study the rules, break out your list of folks that you want to slap the living day lights out of and get to slapping.....and have a great day

As for addendums to the rule, everything else seems to be at the slappers discression.

Good luck! And happy slapping!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Party Time!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2005. The official Rachel and Alec Pool Opening Party. Doesn't that sound like fun? Well, at least it sounded that way in my head when planning the thing out. But in reality?!? Not so sure.

Question: If you throw a party that not too many people come to (even though a lot more said they could come) and the party is done by around 8:30 on a Saturday night, but everyone looked like they had a good time, was the party a success?!?

Answer: Still to be determined.

Basically, everyone showed up between 3 and 4ish, stayed for a few hours and then took off when it started getting dark. So we spend days and whatnot getting the place ready for a party, then are finished Saturday morning and are sitting around twiddling our thumbs until people finally arrive (the whole hurry up and wait syndrome) and then they leave after a few hours and we're bored again. Was it really worth it?!? I'm still not sure.

I had fun, so that's good. Rachel had fun, so that's good, and it looked like everyone else had fun which seems good, but at 8:30 or 9, after everyone had left, we basically just sat around, did some cleaning but mostly just watched tv drinking some beer that was left. We have SO much food left over that we don't even know what to do with it all! Oh well. Guess it's time to invest in another freezer or something!

Well, that was my wonderful weekend. Beyond that, it's the basic boredom of pool maintenance. At least we didn't really have too many chores around the house since we cleaned on Saturday morning! That was at least a blessing. goes on...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Three things I don't understand...

I was driving home this afternoon listening to NPR and I realized something. All of the three things I'm about to talk about piled together into this one 25 min. or so drive. Ever have that kind of experience? You're driving along, listening to something stupid and you have all of these ideas and have no outlet to write them down? The only really annoying part about my experiences today (well, besides not being understood when yelling in my car at everyone by anyone outside of it) is that all of the thoughts I started to get and that I eventually put into here, are much more eloquent in my mind in the car than they will be here. Oh well, sorry. I guess the joys of mental recovery don't come into play much when it comes to me. Go figure!

Okay, so finally, the three things I don't understand:

1. Religion

As I started out saying, I was listening to NPR. Not exactly a great source for news, but when the alternatives are Country Rock, Sports from a guy I can barely stand listening to, or Opera, I'm all for it! Anyhoo....

So they started talking about this whole Quran in the toilet thing in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. When I heard the topic, it got my slow, yet somewhat sturdy (though often drunk) gerbil running his wheel in my brain (the constant gerbil screams of "kill me now! Oh, please, just kill me now!" go unheard, of course). Okay, I understand why the Quran is sacred and all of that. But it really got me to thinking of why religion is the way it is. Why do we have wars over something that millions of people differ upon in their beliefs? Why does an article, written in Newsweek, lead to a hundred or so (if not a lot higher) deaths in a riot where hundreds more were injured? Why does a book have to be so holy? They are simply printed from printing companies throughout the world just making money off of someone (or something) elses words. They are no more than trees cut down, printed upon and bound together. Why can't people just think that the words are the holy part, not the book itself? I've never understood this. Granted, I still don't understand why bacon is forbidden in the Jewish faith! Man, that stuff is GOOD!

And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be unfeeling here, or anything, and I'm DEFINITLY not trying to be anti-Islamic or more to the point, pro-Christianity or any other religion because I simply don't feel that way at all. If I had my way in the world, organized religion would have absolutely NO impact on the actual world around us or the events within, but would only affect each member of that world. You want to go to church/synagogue/temple and pray to whatever god you want to pray with? Great, you go right ahead, I have no qualms about that. But the moment your world breaches into mine, I'm set for World War III.

Religion is just one of those topics that I can't stand. Christians go to "third world" countries to spread the word of God with the premise of building houses and bridges and things like that. But what do they really do? Yes, they do help with irrigation and what not. But they are still trying to spread their own beliefs amongst those that probably don't need it. Why not leave the belief structure at home and stick with the helping bit?!?

And one semi-last thing, since I could go on for DAYS (yeah, yeah, yeah, don't even say it!), and getting back to the original topic (kinda), I will never understand why people feel so strongly in something and are so committed to something that they will go against the very thing they are fighting for and slaughter thousands of people in the process. If anyone can explain that to me, please, I would love to hear it and understand it. And again, in this, I'm not just talking about Islam and the terrorists America is so called "fighting" these days, but in every relgion on earth. Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, even those damn purple people from Heaven's Gate. sum up, relgion is a total f*cking mystery to me. Let me go home, eat my pork and bacon sandwich, have unmarried (yet still protected, of course!) sex with my significant other, swear up and down to myself, watch gays get married in Massachusetts on TV, and enjoy my freaking life!

Okay, last word on religion. Has anyone ever read the Satanic Bible? I mean REALLY read it?!? The only thing that book as against it is that the person who wrote it had NO clue on how to publicize it! Throw in the word "Satanic" and you think of people having unwatned orgies in the middle of the woods as they cut the heads of chickens and bathe in their blood. The honest truth is that if you melt the book down to it's absolute basics, it is all about having fun with your life no matter what you do as long as it doesn't impeed on the fun of others. That's it, the end. No questions asked.

PS - I'm sure Anton LeVay wouldn't have a problem flushing his bible down the toilet...he'd probably laugh at it! :)

PPS - How on earth do you actually FLUSH a book down the toilet?!? Last time I looked, a toilet only had a small opening at the bottom, DEFINITLY not large enough for a book! of lifes new mysteries, I guess.

2. Politics

Okay, so getting back to that whole NPR thing, they started talking about how the Democratic party was trying to block so-and-so's nomination to the 5th district court, or something like that (if you stay with the blog long enough, you'll realize that I just don't care much about the news these days to actually get it right!). I heard one Republican saying that they shouldn't have the right to do this and that this person should be the next judge. Well, from what I heard, the last time the Dems did a philibuster was ... oh, get this ... the last time this exact same person was nominated for the same, or at least similar position. Hmmm....did you ever think that it could simply be because this person has some faults that need to be discussed and looked at?!? I wonder.

And this is one topic where yes, I am a little biased. I may be a registered independant (yeah, don't even start complaining and telling me that I'm wishy washy. Blah, blah, blah), but I HATE Dub and have no care for most of those he surrounds himself with. But that's a whole 'nother topic.

Another thing I found funny that I just started realizing? If you look at the polls, Bush won (sure, whatever, if you believe that! ;) ) But even though he won, and everyone around me is so pro-republican (hey, I live in NC, what do you expect?!?), how come the polls say that the highest approval rating of a president was back with Clinton...a Democrat? And why was the highest approval rating of Congress back in '94? The last time the Democrats held the Congress as a majority?!? Hmmm....just a thought.

(...and yes, I do know why the highest approval ratings were back with Clinton. Bush sucks, but he doesn't have a good candidate against him. So don't even start! I'm just trying to make a point.)

Anyway. I hate politics just under the amount that I hate religion. Show me a person in the entire governmental structure who actually cares about the people around them as well as those around the country, and I think you'll be next in line to win the lottery! (and if you mention Brack O'Baman or David Price...well, good luck in the next NC lottery!)

3. North Carolina Driving

And finally....

So I'm sitting in my car on the last leg of my journey. I've fought my own internal battles through religious topics and through political topics, but there's still one thing left to fight apparently, and it's not even on NPR.

Let me know if you've heard this one before, or maybe even lived through it. You're driving along and you see a red light up ahead, so you slow down and finally come to a stop. There is one person at the light already, and another person behind him, and then finally you. Yet the person in front of you has distanced him/herself a full car length or two behind the first car in line. ... Why the hell do you do this?!? I understand why you don't put your cars front end on the next cars back end, but 1 or 2 full car lengths distance?!? What the hell is that going to accomplish, except for pissing off the people behind you who have to make a right hand turn, yet they can't get into the turn lane because you're blocking it!?!

On this particular trip, the guy was a full car length (plus) behind the van in front of him. The even better part of this story? The guy in front of me is inching up ever so slowly on the van for some reason. The even better part of this story? He comes to a screeching halt still a full car length to the van (you know when even if you're going 2 miles per hour, and you slam on the breaks, your car is still going to stop suddenly and shake?).

But to further the already elongated story along, when the light turned green, everyone started moving. I turn on my right turn signal as I'm about to turn onto my street and I see the stupid car in front of me drifting rather rapidly into the lane to our left. Suddenly realizing that he's about to crash into another car, he darts back to the center of our own lane. And to make matters worse (and the idiot driving the car even stupider), as I make my turn, I see him do it again, ... and then again. Swerving almost into the car in the left hand lane, and then darting back again to the center of our own. Now, while this may not be COMPLETELY stereotypical of NC driving, I see it more often than you'd wish. Drunk? Maybe. Stupid? Sh*t! No doubt!!!! I swear, this state has worse drivers than NY and MA does!!!

While the Mazda lady in front of me at McDonald's yesterday still wins the full out prize for the stupidest driver I've seen this month, this guy runs a semi-close second!

Oh well, I'm home safe and sound with a beer in hand, so what do I care anymore, right?!? So with that, I take one more sip of my Harp and call it a night.

See y'all on the flip side...I hope!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Stupid People - Take 1

Part 1: Before the Drive

I'm sitting there in the meeting. It's 11:00am and it's lunchtime. But where am I? In this stupid meeting that I'm trying not to fall asleep in. But do you know how hard it is not to fall asleep in a meeting you don't give two sh*ts about?!? It's amazing how fast.

But luckily, the meeting ends. Granted, it was about 30 minutes of shear torture just waiting for those final words "Thanks all for calling in, talk to you next time" and then that wonderful click of the phone to off. But it was over!

So, it's 11:45 and I get back to my desk and what do I see? Well, apparently my work installed some patch management software on my machine and it found an update that it needed to install. Okay, that's fine and good and all, but when it installed, it asked me if I wanted to reboot my machine now or wait a little while. So I kept waiting. Apparently, at some point during the meeting, it got a tad impatient. So when I got back to my desk, it said that I was out of "snoozes" and it was about to reboot. Well, since it was lunch time anyway, and my computer takes about half an hour just to restart, I figured that was a perfect time to head on out.

So I get my keys, make sure I have my pager and my cell phone and I start walking towards the stairs to take that three floor walk down to my car. Well, I'm half way to the stairs and I realize something. It's going to be rather hard to get food from anywhere other than a dumpster without my wallet! So I head back to my desk to pick it up. (That's 1).

Okay, so now I finally have my wallet, my keys, my pager and my cell and am ready to roll. But unfortunately, I only have $4 in my wallet, so I go back to get some change from my drawer in my desk. Since the desk is locked pretty much at all times, and the key to unlock it is on my keychain with everything else, I insert the key, give it a quick 90 degree twist and it opens up. I grab all the change I had, close the drawer and head on out. (That's 2).

I reach the stairs and head on down three flights to the bottom. But suddenly, I realize something. Where the f*ck are my keys?!? If you said that they were still hanging in the drawer lock... *DING* *DING* *DING* Tell them what they've won, Monty! So rather than take the stairs, I take the lazy way out and head up the elevator. I get back, and lo and behold, there they were. (That's 3 strikes...I'm out!)

After locking the drawer and pulling my keys out, I made sure that I had everything this time before taking another step. Keys? Check. Wallet? Check. Spare change? Check. Pager? Check. Cell Phone? Check. Okay, I'm set. So I head on down and get in my car and I'm off.

So, for a topic on Stupid People, let's just say that I'm not all together infallable here either! So keep that in mind when I start bitching about everyone else around me! ;)

Part 2: The Drive

I'm finally off. It's almost 11:40. I turn up Franz Ferdinand, throw on my cool shades and I'm cruisin. Cruisin to the good ol' McDonalds! (if anyone makes a comment on how I need a life, I will shoot you!) So I finally get to the strip mall where I need to take a left. I pull into the turn lane a little early and head on up to the turn. All of the sudden, a guy pulls right in front of me cutting me off. I'm in my hungry mode, so I don't really think much about it except for the normal "I wish someone threw a grenade right under his car so it would blow him off the road" type of mentality. I begin to think that he's just turning early in order to get to the light ahead. The turn I need to take is a little ways before the light, and there just happens to be one good opening in the oncoming cars that I can get through. Well, the little jackhole isn't going up to the light, but instead, steals my hole (no comments please!) and I'm left swearing my head off! If I just had the mind to honk the first time, I would have been MUCH more satisfied!

I wait and I wait, steaming mad for the next opening in the cars that just scream past me. I was so angry that I had to take the shades off and stop the music. Now THAT'S angry! Well, for me anyway. Finally an opening appears and I take it. But I'm still so furious that I slow down just in time for the two dweebs crossing the road at the most inopportune time not to get hit. Okay, part of that was that I just wasn't paying attention. But when you see a bright red car barrelling down at you, wouldnt' your first notion be "hey, I better stop trying to cross or I'll get hit"? Apparently not for them!

Part 3: The Drive Thru
(aka... The new reason I hate Mazda's and the people that drive them!)

Anyway, I continue to drive and I get into the McDonalds Drive Thru (what's with the spelling here?!?) behind a older black Mazda 626. Probably from the mid 90's or so. One of those boxy looking ones. Well, the guy in front of our Mazda here finished up and went on his merry way to the first window to pay. Ms. Mazda pulls up to the speaker thingy and here's how the conversation sounded (to me, at least):

Drive Thru Person (DTP): Good afternoon, welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?

Mazda 626 Woman (MW): Um...yeah, get me one of those xxxxxx salads. [Note: I have no clue what kind of salad she asked for, hence the xxxxxx]

DTP: Sorry, ma'am, but we ran out of those salads. We don't have anymore. Would you like something else?

MW: Um....yeah, why don't you get me a sausage and egg biscuit. [Note: it's noon by this point...can you sense what's gonna happen next?!?]

DTP:'am? We don't serve those right now. We're not serving breakfast now.

MW: What do you mean you're not serving breakfast?

DTP: Ma'am, breakfast ended at 10:30.

MW: Okay, nevermind then.

But just when you think it's over, it really is just starting! She pulls out a foot or two rather quickly, but then stops just as rapidly.

MW: Yeah, get me a small fry.

DTP: That'll be $xxxx. Please pull to the next window.

So she starts driving around to the next window and I'm thinking, "whew! Maybe I can finally get my own food and eat something for a change!" I pull up to the speaker, order and pull around. The Mazda lady is sitting right there at the window talking. I can hear something to the effect of "What kind of salads do you have?" A minute later, she's still talking and I see her give the Drive Thru Person a $5 bill. Um...isn't this the point of the speaker?!? So you can order before hand?!? COME ON!

So she orders and the line in front of her clears enough for her to get to the next window. After I pay, I sit behind her wondering what the next hold up is. Well, I see her talking to the woman behind the window and I see even more money come out. Come on, this is just rediculous! She's held up this line for so long and has absolutely no clue what she wants or even the drive through etiquite!!! I was fuming by this point.

After a few minutes of waiting around, she finally got her ass moving and I finally got my food. So, to the woman in the black Mazda 626 with the NC license MJ-14-2, I want to award you the prize for the stupidest person I've seen all day today, if not all week! Congratulations, you've just made it into the record stupid asshole who really should learn about a thing called having a clue!

Oh, did I mention that her license plate didn't have the DMV sticker on it?!? You know, the sticker that you have to pay the DMV to get every single year? Yeah...why am I not surprised?!?

Anyway, so that was my 30 min. lunch experience. Stay tuned...the day ain't over yet!!! :)

Until next time....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Test this, bucko...

Okay, so I was online today on my wonderful semi-brand new mac powerbook (WOOHOO!) using my (again) semi-brand new wireless connection. Well, I had downloaded a widget called DashBlog a few days ago, but could never get it to run for some reason. Well, I downloaded the most recent version, and guess what? Hot damn, it's a'workin'! Gotta love that! Anyway, just had to tout both the software and myself! HA! In your might need a little ego breaker.

So what now?

Okay, so many of you (well, maybe just the one reader...thanks bro!) wonder what the heck I'm going to be writing about. Some blogs are for politics, others for religion, etc.... So what about mine? What's mine gonna have that's different from the others? Who cares?!? I'm not doing this to be different, I'm just doing this to try to clear my head, and maybe have a little fun at the same time, right?!?

So with that, here's a little list of just some of the things I'll be talking about.

Hey, I may suck at playing the guitar, but that doesn't mean that I don't love the subject!!

I admit it, I'm a gamer geek. I'm a World of Warcraft 'aholic. Well, maybe not "'aholic" but I have almost one of every character and have no idea who to play next!

I've been so many places in my life and I'm dying to hit the rest!

Why can't you women be easy to understand?!? Sheesh! Talk about stress!!!

I'm a contractor for the U.S. EPA. Not much of interest, sorry.

My animals are cuter than your animals!

Life sucks...but how can it not get better, right?!?

Mental issues
My mom just passed away, so I think I'm entitled to a few issues of my own. :)

Okay, okay, I had to cover at least one normal topic of general interest

Um...okay, make that two topics

What movies do I like? Music?

General stupid people
Drivers in North Carolina SUCK. People in general suck too...and not really in the good way!...or maybe I just don't get out much. :(

And much, much more...

Well, that's good for now. I'll see how the rest of today goes. But for right now? World of Warcraft, here I come, baby!

Later, gators.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The first one...

So. My first "blog". Well, at least the first one that I'll actually try to keep up with. So what now? What do I hope to accomplish with this thing? Well, to tell you the truth, I have no clue. Maybe just get some of these dang thoughts out of my head and onto some place better archived!

I think the primary motive for something like this is to simply practice the idea of writing anything on a regular basis. I've been off writing for so long that I'm not sure how to do it any longer. So here we go. Hopefully the start of a beautiful friendship...well, as much as you can have with a keyboard....okay, thoughts turned just plain wrong, so I'm outta here!

Later, folks!